Our senior pastor is Aaron Deal. Aaron and his wife, Jennifer, have been serving at Trinity Since September 2016. They have four children, Jenna, Alanna, Eli, and Jessica. You can contact Pastor Aaron at aaron@trinitycmh.org. You can contact Jennifer at jennifer@trinitycmh.org
Our team of elders assist with the pastoral duties of the church, providing leadership and spiritual oversight of the Trinity family. Our current elders are (1st Row) Tom Hornikel, Aaron Deal, Denny Urso, (2nd Row) Jim Leonard, Ron Fragapane, Al Carlile. You can contact the elders at elders@trinitycmh.org
The church board is an elected group of people who oversee the administrative duties of the church. You can contact the board at churchboard@trinitycmh.org. The current members of the board are (left to right): Mark Stasek (Secretary), Denny Urso (Head Trustee), Angie Weston (Member-at-Large), Aaron Deal (Chair), Bob Exoo (Head Deacon), Ted Dreyer (Treasurer), Not Pictured - Cindy Andryszak (Children’s Ministry Director)
The Deacons are an elected group of people who oversee the community care of the church. The current deacons are: (1st Row) Ron Fragapane, Bob Exoo, Deb Dalessandro, Lisa Shirkey, (2nd Row) Sue Exoo, Jacci Urso, Lori Smith, Jennifer Deal and (not pictured) Cindy Andryszak
The trustees are an elected group of people who oversee the building and facilities. The current trustees are: Ron Fragapane, Mike Paulocsak, Mark Stasek, Daniel Urso, Denny Urso, Eli Deal, Bob Exoo, Angie Weston