People helping people find and follow Christ
We are a family of believers committed to loving one another because Jesus loves us. We value:
Because God is worth more than everything else.
Recognizing and celebrating the greatness of God is the core of what we do when we gather. We would rather you be more impressed by the God we worship, and what he has done, than you are with us.
Because the word of God guides our life.
We believe the Bible is the very word of God and we submit to its authority while striving to clearly communicate its message. The word of God is more nourishing than bread, so we seek to feed on God’s word everyday in our personal and corporate lives.
Because we want to become more like Jesus.
Our goal is to grow as disciples of Jesus. We believe that Jesus is God, He came to earth to save us, to show us the Father and show us how to live. We strive to walk the way that Jesus walked, living lives of prayer, faith, obedience, generosity and love.
Because everyone needs Jesus.
We want to influence outward by impacting others through spiritual multiplication, missions, personal witness, generosity, and genuine love for our neighbors. We equip our people to take the life-changing message of Jesus out to as many people as possible.
Because there’s room at the table for everyone.
Everyone can participate at Trinity and get plugged in because we are all part of the Body of Christ. We value YOU and the spiritual gifts that you’ve been given. We can only see clearly what God has called us to do when everyone is fully participating.
Because the church should be a place where you’re seen.
We want to live our lives in connection with each other, being seen and seeing those around us. We are not perfect people and we don’t expect you to be either. Like a family, we strive to learn from each other, depend on each other, and love each other the way that Jesus loved us.