1. Meet Jesus
We live in a world full of goodness and suffering and sometimes it is hard to make sense of it all. Is there a God who made all of this or are we here by chance? If there is a God, why do we suffer? The Bible teaches us that there is a God who made everything, including his most prized creation, us. God is filled with love and mercy towards us, but he will not force us to love him. Rather, God is looking for a relationship of mutual choice and love.
When God created the first human beings, they chose to walk away from God. Ever since that day, our world has suffered because we have distanced ourselves from God and his goodness. Even though he is full of mercy and forgiveness, he is also a just God and thankfully so. He cannot allow harmful behaviors, our sins, to go unpunished. But, there is hope!
God gave us a second chance by becoming one of us. God became human, in the form of Jesus. He knew that we could never do enough good works to save ourselves, so He sacrificed his own life, paying the penalty of sin, so that we may live eternally with Him. God loves you THAT much!
God is not willing that any should perish but that all would turn away from their sins and turn back towards him. When you place your faith in the sacrifice of Jesus, you are turning back to God, and God, who is a loving parent, will welcome you home with open arms. Won't you turn your life back to him today?
2. Get Baptized
God wants you to show others outwardly, through water Baptism, what God has already done for you, in your heart.
Water Baptism is a symbol
When you put your trust in Jesus, the Holy Spirit “baptized” your heart by washing away your sin. Water baptism is a public symbol of that spiritual cleansing and your commitment to Jesus.
Water Baptism does not save you
Salvation is not based on works. Salvation is a gift from God. We could never do enough good works to earn our salvation.
3. Join a Church
God wants you to be a committed, active member of a group of believers. God has called us to live in a community of believers and that community is called the Church. One of the most important things you can do for your spiritual well-being is to be actively involved in a loving, Bible-based gathering of fellow believers.
Jesus designed His church so that each person is dependent on each other. We can’t do life alone!
As you gather with other believers, you will experience fellowship, corporate worship, and discipleship. You’ll also discover ways that you can serve and minister to others. You can not do these things by yourself.
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